January 27, 2025
The Great Commission: Eliminating the Excuses
Much of our lives are spent not making the Great Commission a priority in our lives. This week, we want to turn this practice into a priority in our own lives.
Day 1 – Matthew 4:17-22
If Jesus approached you like he did Peter and Andrew, what would be some possible reservations you would have toward this invitation? Why would you tell Jesus “No?" Why would you tell Jesus “Yes”? List them.
Day 2 – 1 Corinthians 1:26-31
How does this passage go against the typical excuses given as to why we will not reach people with the gospel?
Day 3 – John 10:27
Why would someone not hear from God?
Day 4 – Mark 16:15
What kind of excuses does this passage eliminate? How is this passage both similar and different from Matthew 28:18-20?
Day 5 – Matthew 7:1-7
Think about verse 7. Explain how this applies to our everyday lives when it comes to evangelism.
Day 6 – Matthew 5:13-16
How does this passage apply to your personal testimony?
Day 7 – Matthew 28:18-20
Read this passage and see if you are making the adjustments necessary in fulfilling it.
Weekly Challenge
Focus on your prayer bulletin that has been printed out. Pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit. List the excuses you normally make and explain why there you have no excuses scripturally.