Mt. Pleasant Christian School now serves children in grades K-2 through 12. Daycare and aftercare services are available.
The A Beka Book for Christian Schools is used as our curriculum. The goal of the school is to "Educate the Heart as Well as the Mind."
Sybil Smith Administrator
​Lisa Smith Secretary
School Phone 205-466-7997
Mt. Pleasant Christian School holds to the philosophy that education from a Christian perspective is the only true form of education. We value two outstanding elements contribute to the school’s philosophy of education. First, our curriculum is Bible-based and Christ-centered. Second, our staff consists of dedicated Christian teachers who are concerned about their student’s physical, mental, and eternal welfare.
The school’s primary objective is to show children how to live rather than how to make a living. The truths of the Bible are not substituted or separated from academics at MPCS. Instead, they are integrated into the entire educational program. Standards of discipline and conduct are Bible-based to develop Christian character and sound values. MPCS strives to maintain a truly Christian philosophy of education, high academic standards, and the proper emphasis upon morals, discipline, and social development.
The desire of the school is that the home, church, and school work together to train up children in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6).
Other Information
Click below to visit our school website.
If you would like to make a donation to the school, please contact Sybil Smith at 205-466-7997 or mail a check to:
Mt. Pleasant Christian School
4111 Susan Moore Road
Blountsville, AL 35031