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January 12, 2025

The Great Commission: Praying Effectively

As we observe and continue to pray over our prayer bulletin, we must remember that we have to have an effective prayer strategy. This week will be a way to help you be both strategic and effective in prayer.

Day 1 - Matthew 9:35-38

  • When you look at the world, what do you see that bothers you the most? What groups of people do you see that cause you to be moved with compassion? Pray for those.

Day 2 - Ephesian 5:18/Acts 1:8

  • How does being filled with the Spirit of God enable us to be effective disciple makers?

Day 3 - Romans 9:1-3

  • How can we have such a burden for those that are without Christ? How can a burden like this help us to overcome our fears about sharing the gospel?

Day 4 - Colossians 4:2-4

  • When you are looking for open doors of "utterance" what exactly should we be looking for? Explain how you will recognize those open doors.

Day 5 - Acts 4:31

  • What are the results of being filled with the Holy Spirit? How does this differ from what many believe about being filled with the Holy Spirit?

Day 6 - 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

  • How did Paul describe his abilities? What does this teach us about the excuses we often offer to the Lord?

Day 7 - Matthew 28:18-20

  • Read this passage and see if you are making the adjustments necessary in fulfilling it.


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4111 Susan Moore Rd
Blountsville, Alabama 35031


(205) 466-7983

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